
laughing like children

The Hamilton Spectator is most helpful in regards to decorating.

Today consisted of a step backwards in time. Only at Redeemer can one spread newspaper across the hallway with tape and scissors and scraps of paper while managing to escape with only odd glances cast in your direction. Only here are you a name and a person, not a number, and feel at ease with the professors who seem to enjoy the antics.

Quote of the day: "What are you doing?" - Dr. Bowen


Unknown said...

that woman is one of my favourites.
"oh girls, that is just lovely".
why does everything sound better with a british accent?

nadine j. said...

I don't think that is only at Redeemer, just sayin'.
You could do that in a lot of places and get away with only odd glances.
Sometimes that's the greatest thing about people, they're too weirded out by you to say something to you. Instead, they feel that an odd glance will suffice to show their curiosity or weirded-out-ness.