
the first step to overseas

I'm sitting at the airport right outside my gate. The airport offers the wonderful service of wireless internet - quite a lovely feature.

I've said my last goodbyes to friends, teachers, family and loved ones; the suitcase was packed, found to be overweight, and thus repacked into two; the last minute stuff is checked off; I've already forgotten an item and successfully retrieved it (sets a good precedence, doesn't it?); the bag has been checked twice; no sensors went off passing through the gate (oh good); and now I sit with strangers who are either going to England as well or using it as a jumping board to another destination.

1 hour to take off.

1 comment:

Julia VanLaar said...

Hey Maria, I'm so jealous of you right now!! Wow, going to England ... I hope you have tons of fun!! Expect me to follow you on your blog :)