

Just one more.

Sometimes the small things feel like the biggest.


signs of spring

To celebrate St. Patrick's day, the colour green has been prominently displayed about the school. However, the most popular location in which to publish the statement of green is outside. There is not a cloud to be seen with a warm sun on my back as I follow the crowds outdoors. To be sure, the natural greens are lacking but linger in the promise of a return that is near at hand.

surely there must be some truth in this


a jolting reality

"When you look into water, you see a likeness of your face.
When you look into your heart, you see what you are really like."
- Proverbs 27:19


just sit right back and you'll hear a tale

[Theme song of the weekend. Never let your children/siblings watch too much of Gilligan's Island. You'll soon regret it. No matter how much you need that half-hour nap.]

I really wish there were not a limitation to learning and education. The time has come again for course selections for the upcoming year. My problem lies not with finding the stuff that interests me, but weeding out the extraneous courses that are less interesting and not beneficial to an honours Major. You'd think that the six course difference between a general and an honours would allow you a little more leeway, but it's all a facade. All it does is force you to take four 400-level courses which are interesting anyway.

I want to take it all and simply learn.