

I don't give out nearly enough hugs. I have so many people who are special, and yet I never take the time to give them a hug. So please don't mind if I give you a hug when I see you: sometimes it's easier to show in actions what you feel than to say it in words.



If you Google the word 'walking' over 200,000,000 entries show up. How can so much be said about a simple action that we do every day?

Metaphors found in reading are there to make familiar things strange and alien things familiar [paying attention in class is paying off]. "The walking metaphor is so common that it is easy to stop noticing it, so pervasive that it is easy to forget that it is only a metaphor. At the same time, of course, walking is more than a metaphor. It is one of the most natural and useful things for a person to do. You can’t understand the human condition without understanding the experience of walking." http://www.rickaster.com/world/walking.html

I love walking - just putting that out there. So if you ever want to go for a walk, just let me know.


ladder pending

While I am posting pictures, here are a few others for fellow booklovers.

The fire place which I helped sand - very proud of myself. And of course my beloved piano.

Et la pièce de résistance:

It is much more inspiring in real life.

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So this is what happens when I'm away.