
screaming english major fan girls

In preparation for a class in three weeks, I have begun to read Charles Dickens' Little Dorrit. Now, as much as I adore A Tale of Two Cities and swoon at the ending every time and enjoy my soon-to-be-annual reading of A Christmas Carol, Dickens' diction in Little Dorrit is phenomenal, eliciting giggles as the result of ridiculous passages.

Sometimes, I love my homework. What's not to enjoy (besides the pressure of getting it done) about reading 3 books every 2 weeks?


opening doors

Last semester (or "term" as they call it here), though thankful for the opportunity and learning experience of working as a TA of an online course, I was very much hoping for the chance to be a part of an in-class course. Now, when I'm least expecting it, a window is opened beside me and all I have to do is crawl through.

As a result, my semester has just gotten a little bit tighter, and needing just a little bit more organization and self-discipline. So, as I prepare for that which lies ahead, please pray for me that I will be able to do my work well, that I am able to learn, and yet able to enjoy life as the gift it is. Learning can be such a joy, but often we [I] get bogged down and distracted by the tasks that need to be done and forget the sheer enjoyment of reading and learning.

I am excited about the semester: all of the things I am studying are so distinct from each other. The Early Modern English Title Page (how much more specific can one get?) to Victorian Literature (where we are reading delightful novels such as A Tale of Two Cities and North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell's famous novel that has a wonderful film adaptation starring the actor who now plays Thorin Oakenshield in the recent movie The Hobbit) and all the way to the present day with Contemporary Canadian Life Writing.

Now it is time to stretch those muscles and prepare for the mental workout and training program that has already begun.


a deep breath

With every stressful time of year comes the belief that I will not be able to finish the tasks that are before me. And yet every time, through God's providence, He is able to see me through to the completion of each thing.

The holidays are too rapidly drawing to a close, leaving little time for the check list I made before coming home of things that I really wanted to do before returning to my cozy little place. The time of family and relaxation is going to be missed.

Don't get me wrong: I love living on my own. I like having my own place, my own schedule, my independence, but there is nothing like coming home for a while and I'm just not quite ready to leave.