
this too shall pass

We have wandered far from God; and if we wish to return to our Father's home, this world must be used, not enjoyed, that so the invisible things of God may be clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, -- that is, that by the means of what is material and temporary we may lay hold upon that which is spiritual and eternal.

Augustine, On Christian Doctrine


take it as you will

Quote of the day:
If you have Jesus in your heart ... someone should tell your face.

Compliments of Dr. Loney.


at the end of the day

"Some texts are born literary, some achieve literariness, and some have literariness thrust upon them." [Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction]

School, in all its various forms, has begun once again. These lofty ideas of criticism, ambiguous statements, the idea that each reading is a rewriting ... my favourite quote of today's reading is from Paul Ricouer as he is discussing the relationship between story and life: "We learn to become the narrator of our own story without completely becoming the author of our life."

How true is this?

I can learn, acquire knowledge and insight, but at the close, I am just myself. Me, as I am. And it is the simple things which matter most.