
to the third and fourth generations

newbie. probie. green. wet-behind-the-ears.

Yes, the training of the next generation of highly sophisticated and skilled weeders has begun as we make plans to finally remove once and for all those perma-dirt stains.

They will be us.

How easily we are replaced.


gettin' to the church on time

What a weekend, surrounded by family and friends. Sad tears, happy tears, laughing tears ... they were all there. My good friend Emily, the other half of the LLC (Lonely Ladies' Club), got married this weekend to the man who has been made for her. Both Joel and I were able to be a part of their special day as I was a bridesmaid and Joel played for the ceremony.

Nerves, calm, joy - they were all scheduled in after a frantic morning of the last minute flurries (ie, setting up the hall and teaching the groomsmen how to fold napkins) to create a beautiful day.

Music, laughter, dancing - all elements of a celebration. Congratulations to them!

Also: where has the summer gone? The end of June is speedily approaching, July will pass by quickly, and then August will fly by with the summer breeze. Yes, I am aware that there is still much time between now and the official beginning of school (which marks the end of summer), but the past month and a half have slipped by. What has happened to the time for those extensive book lists? for that anticipation for this wedding which seemed to be eons away? for wondering if the weather was ever going to warm up? for that last visit to Ontario before the final two months which will bring long distance to an end? We thought twelve months was absurdly long, and that any who told us differently was selling something. [Side note: it's time to watch the Princess Bride again.]

And yet here we all stand, on the brink of making large decisions we never thought we would have to make. We claim to be old, wondering what has happened to the carefree days of 'youth'? We are passing from adolescence into adulthood, some kicking and screaming along the way while others fall into it naturally and gracefully.

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
is the man who trusts in Him!
Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints!
There is no want to those who fear Him.
The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.

Psalm 34


one weed, two weed; green weed, brown weed

Life has slipped back into its natural rhythms of the summer; the cold mornings, the warm afternoons, fluctuating temperatures which can be frigid and damp one week while being scorchingly dry the next. People are coming and going, friends are moving on with their lives, graduating, marrying, working, traveling, writing a thesis . . . I see them for a time, and then they wisp away again.

This all sounds rather melancholic. I guess part of it is the constant farewells and the anticipation of saying goodbye.


This coming weekend promises to one of epic proportions. Well, maybe not quite that drastic, but it does promise to be one of the highlights of this summer. A good friend from Redeemer is getting married this weekend and Joel is in Hamilton. What's not to look forward to?