
the calm before the storm

So. After an extended period of time, it is finally here. My car. The freedom, the joy, and both my parents have driven it more than I have in the past couple of days. It's a good thing gas is cheap right now.

Yesterday it was my grandparents' 45th anniversary. Geertsema, that is. It's really incredible. Suddenly I feel young again. It was a year ago today that my oma came home from the hospital. God is great. Words fail me.

Norah and I were listening to celtic music on Saturday, which led to the You-Tube-ing of "River Dance". I love dancing. I wish I could take lessons again and do something fun with a partner, but guys are too chicken to do something like that. And I think I'm starting to lose the music in my feet.


Anonymous said...

"Guys are too chicken" *snort* what you need to do is give up on that bet of yours first…"something fun with a partner" could sound very ominous, you know. There's a certain threshold of trust required first, trust and a willingness to do potentially embarrassing things…

maria. said...

What does giving up my bet have anything to do with this?

And it is fun. Especially when both people have two left feet.