

If you Google the word 'walking' over 200,000,000 entries show up. How can so much be said about a simple action that we do every day?

Metaphors found in reading are there to make familiar things strange and alien things familiar [paying attention in class is paying off]. "The walking metaphor is so common that it is easy to stop noticing it, so pervasive that it is easy to forget that it is only a metaphor. At the same time, of course, walking is more than a metaphor. It is one of the most natural and useful things for a person to do. You can’t understand the human condition without understanding the experience of walking." http://www.rickaster.com/world/walking.html

I love walking - just putting that out there. So if you ever want to go for a walk, just let me know.

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Lets take a walk after breakfast on Saturday... Fun, exercise, and cheap for all those students among us :P