
early morning panic

There's nothing quite like the rush of adrenaline when you come to a bus stop a scant minute before the bus is scheduled to arrive only to discover that Google Maps is completely unreliable in terms of updated information as the stop has been moved due to the Santa Claus Parade. I got my dose of exercise racing, well, more like hobbling as my duffle bag bounced off my leg in an unrepentant rhythm, to the temporary stop.

And here I now sit on the train, looking for all the world cool, calm, and collected; the pretentious grad student who refuses to be divorced from her laptop and takes every opportunity to continue to do her work. Oh how deceiving looks can be!

The sunlight (oh glorious sunshine!) is cutting through the barren branches of the trees as we roll through the countryside, transforming the fields into a shimmering sea of frost.


shafts of sunbeams

There are days when I struggle to put one foot in front of the other and then a blaze of sunlight breaks Eeyore's gloomy clouds and I become much more like Tigger, dancing around and unable to sit still because I am so full of joy.

Tea. Books. Children. Love.

Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan)'s Shop Around the Corner in the 1998 film You've Got Mail is a place where these things are equally mixed, along with a healthy dose of Christmas cheer. I am so looking forward to being home and celebrating the above-mentioned happy triggers in the understanding that they are an enormous gift and blessing from the One who holds us each in the palm of His hand.