
shafts of sunbeams

There are days when I struggle to put one foot in front of the other and then a blaze of sunlight breaks Eeyore's gloomy clouds and I become much more like Tigger, dancing around and unable to sit still because I am so full of joy.

Tea. Books. Children. Love.

Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan)'s Shop Around the Corner in the 1998 film You've Got Mail is a place where these things are equally mixed, along with a healthy dose of Christmas cheer. I am so looking forward to being home and celebrating the above-mentioned happy triggers in the understanding that they are an enormous gift and blessing from the One who holds us each in the palm of His hand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy triggers are indeed wonderful blessings. Life without them could be rather dismal, I fear.
I love your post, dear, as well as your new blog layout! Very sophisticated!