

Why is it that in highschool even nights that no homework is assigned you still end up with work to do?

Unfortunately, I have learned some bad procrastination habbits, most likely due to close proximity to those in Latin (with a t) class (and others too - I can't lay the blame all on one scapegoat).


Carol-Lee Joy said...

I'm beginning to think that everyone has this problem. Just read blogs...everyone of them lately seems to ring with procrastination. Mine should too...but I don't like to admit it.
And hey, I was looking at the links for other blogs, and all the other people you've got on there have their last names...except mine:) My name is Carol-Lee Brouwer. Just to let you know!! Welcome to the blogging world by the way.

maria. said...

I never used to have problems. It was a recent development from some people I hung around with. No names. But you do know some of them.

I fixed your name, and thanks. I forgot how to spell it, hence the lack of it.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

I'm sure I do know some of them:)
And you're welcome for my name!