Despite that being a song by the Crash Test Dummies, it has been made known to me that I cannot avoid Phys. Ed. forever. Why? Two years were torturous, when it is forced upon you. Now I must suffer through another half course.
Now that I am through with complaining ...
Selecting courses is extremely difficult. There are so many to choose, and so little space. Art would be lovely, music nice (provided I learn how to play an instrument again), but don't get me started on English. September seems so far away, and yet way to close.
We had Bible Study outside today. I almost got burned, as I did on Sunday on account of reading on the front porch for multiple hours.
Yay! I recognized that title right away--it's actually the name of that album. I played Superman's Song at coffeehouse last year with a few friends.
I am prepared to offer you my only piece of advice about selecting courses. (Well, my best piece of advice.) Here it is: do core first. Use it wisely.
Superman's Song is one of my favourites from all times. Reminds me of my old house in Caledonia.
Really? Try to cram them all into the first year? That's what I've attempted to do, but I'm debating between Bio and Environmental Studies, and Psycology and Sociology. Any insight? My second semester is looking amazing though, 2 histories and 2 englishes with Biblical Theology thrown in there too. No crosswords this year.
Hooray for Phys. Ed!!! hehe
I can't wait 'til May!
Well, you don't have to cram, but as an English major, if you put core courses first, then add required 2nd-year courses for your major and minor(s), you can polish all those off by the end of 2nd year, leaving you plenty of space to do the fun 3rd-year courses to your heart's delight. I took Bio. and Soc., and they were fine--I liked my profs, which is key for core. Those choices are just personal whim, really. And don't worry about not having time for crosswords, you'll be fine…just don't do them in class. : )
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