
I like making bets.
And you'd better believe I'm going to win, Catherine.



I like poetry. I like memorizing it. Still planning to memorize all of Tennyson's Lady of Shalott.

Thanks again, Joel. Thoroughly enjoyed your limmericks.


I got caught in the rain yesterday while doing groceries and really did look like a drowned rat. No more Redwall look-alike. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, despite the impediment of sight. I think I sang really loud the entire way home with the radio. The jeep probably did something to improve my mood as well.

My room is still a disaster. Should have cleaned that yesterday. Yes, the impression of being completely organized is simply a facade. Books and papers litter my floor, laundry (clean) remains in the laundry basket, a bed once nicely made is rumpled from sleeping with restless siblings, etc.

On a more positive note which I forgot to mention a couple of weeks ago, my science is finished. Freedom for the summer, despite the pending test which I will most likely not study for. :D


Raining cats and dogs

Although, we more ended up looking like drowned rats. I, on the other hand, apparently looked like a mouse from the Redwall t.v. series because I was wearing my brother's jacket which had a hood on it.

Is this a good thing?


effects of work

I met two guys today. Their names were Frank and Joe. They were even taller than me. I liked Frank better, because he had a nicer character and wasn't so prickly.


my god ended up in the scrap yard and I ended up in the hospital

Quote from this afternoon's worship service by Rev. A. MacLeod. He's Scottish, which is why I liked him in the first place, but his sermons are so very applicable.

He was speaking about Gideon, how he had to remove the idol from his life before he could build an alter for the LORD and worship Him. How many idols do we have? And where are we going to put God?

Further notes:
  • post 100!
  • white chocolate is good only in small quantities, especially with chocolate cake
  • week three of work begins tomorrow
  • Didi might have sprained his ankle - hopefully it's nothing too serious
  • God still works miracles today. It's amazing that my oma is still here today
  • Geertsema reunion in a few weeks!
  • in a few weeks, I'm only going to have two years left to act like a child. Then I have to pretend to be somewhat mature and act like an adult
  • I need a guitar pick and a highlighter for my bible