
Art's Alive! (or is it?)

Playing flute is definitely an acquired talent. I have not played mine in at least half a year, causing my fingers to stumble over the keys. Typing ... now there is a daily exercise at which I am becoming more adept. My friends and I were practising for an audition to play for the upcoming Art's Alive on April 24 (why a Thursday and not a Saturday?). I am beginning to despise the Untitled Hymn by Chris Rice. And now I am rambling and should be studying ... who doesn't love procrastination?

I can't believe our school year is almost finished. And then ... no more Guido. Quite sad, really. Not that I'm not looking forward to Redeemer (which is another one of these things I have to do, the application, that is), but often the goodbye you say to your friends is for a long time.

New prayer concerns:
  • my cousin apparently got a concussion while playing football, and can't remember it, but seems to be fine
  • the Post/Joosse family, whose grandfather passed away this morning. I talked with Mike this morning, and he had said his grandfather had only wanted to see Jesus, which is a really amazing and comforting thing!


Joel f said...

SEND IN THAT APPLICATION, YOU SILLY GOOSE. And apply for scholarships, too, before the deadline. Now.

Jessica said...

love you, Maria!