
Insult of the Day

"You are a grotesque prestidigitation."
- Prof. Faber, gleaned from T. Hardy's Tess of the D'Ubervilles


Carol-Lee Joy said...


I can't even say that!!!lol

Ben said...

What a beautiful word! It's very useful, too, because I often want to describe it. I will work on using it someday.

Joel f said...

It's a rather situation-specific sort of insult, but a marvelously commanding one all the same. To be completely fair, there should be a reference to Thomas Hardy, since he wrote "prestidigitation" in Tess of the D'Urbervilles first. Just using a word that huge puts him in a certain class. It's like "monocephalous".

On another note, you are an English nut, aren't you.