
i consider it a thought worth pondering

3 weeks. Roughly 7000 words all due on the same day dispersed among 4 different assignments. Followed by 2 exams. Exit term 1.

I came to a sad conclusion. The Globe, yes, the Globe theatre, opens with Hamlet four days after I leave the country. Four days. I am sad.

Skimming through our script for Pride and Prejudice, I realized that, in the roles of Mary Bennet and Charlotte Lucas, I dominate the stage as both characters in a single scene. Don't ask how I shall accomplish this feat - this is up to the director to decide. "All the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players", "we are either kings or pawns" but the director tells us when to enter the stage and when to move to C5.

(Also, for those who haven't noticed, the background picture is of Lyme Park which was the original Pemberly in the BBC version.)

This morning, an Oxfordite peer and myself led the music for our Wednesday morning chapel. I've never really played music publicly, at least not with a fellow musician, but this was really enjoyable (despite the chaplain taking over the leading of the singing). So to those who do play guitar, beware. I might just ask you to join with me in worship in answer to Christ who calls, "Come."

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