

The Lord's Prayer is so beautiful. It so often gets rattled off before or after a meal, but it sums up all that we need to pray for.

Our Father, who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is done in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever.



I know I've mentioned this, but sometimes we need a big jolt to make us aware once again of how precious life is. With Shawna Bethelehem in the hospital ( http://shawnabethlehem.blogspot.com/ ) and the passing away of Catherine's grandpa ( http://summerskiing.blogspot.com/ ) - life is such a gift.

And then we have the comfort of John 11: 24-26.

Martha answered, "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."


Small Chunks vs Big Chunks

To go for the colloquialism: I've bitten off more than I can chew. I think I might have to pull a Hermione and do five courses this semester. Well, I will either way, but actually do them in school by alternating courses every other day. Stupid science. What a waste of brain space.



"Timeo Danaos et dona ferrentes." Not that that has anything to do with renovations, but I remember things better once they're typed out.

We got a dishwasher today. So sweet! And it's as quiet as a mouse ... almost. I had to visit Home Depot too with a friend in order to pick up some extra stuff for the dishwasher - don't ask me what they were because I have no idea. I just stood there pretending to know what I was looking at.

And I think the drywalling is finished/almost finished in the attic. Which means: PAINTING!!! And when my parents finally move up there - I get to paint Norah's room. Purple. Woot!

I really don't understand the meaning of woot. Why is it said anyways? Or is it just another of these Nadinerisms?



Parents are great - such an amazing blessing. My mom just sacrificed her afternoon so that I could go hang out with friends. I love you, mom.


Sigh of Contentment

Stress free extended weekend. Besides the fact that I have to play chauffeur tomorrow. Cough.


Hooray for Kids?

Why is it that when you're so stressed and ready to freak out at the world (yes, Catherine, I have been hanging around with you a lot) then something really stupid happens and it's the funniest thing that happened all day?



I like orange juice. Freshly squeezed. But not from clementines by little sisters with dirty hands.


Winding Down

Gotta love how so many people are posting how they should start studying, or are in the midst of studying, and really don't feel like studying at this time of year. I hate to be a conformist, but I agree entirely with them.



I bought new shoes a couple days ago because they were on sale. They're so wonderfully not traditionally me.



I now thoroughly detest Anna Karenina with all my being.


Modernized C.S. Lewis

My dear Wormwood,

It gives me great pleasure that you are finally taking my advice regarding your patient and his personal devotions. Your last letter implored me to go into more explicit detail, and I shall comply.

Reinforce in him that prayer is simply an additional and unfortunately necessary part of the Christian lifestyle (a direct attack will only result in him clinging closer to the Enemy), and that his prayers must be lengthy and stirring. He will end up babbling like those old hypocritical amphibians, praying to be seen by those creatures rather than heard by the Enemy. Their long and eloquent prayers are indeed most impressive.

While he is composing his ritual, allow his mind to wander to his kith and kin and other trivial matters of the day. Once his thoughts are no longer focused, they become recalcitrant for him and compliant for you. Thoughts have no limitations, and he can reflect on all sorts of aspects of the past day, past week, or even the past month. His mind may even remain completely blank for long periods of time. These are the opportune moments in which to suffuse his mind with haphazard reflections.

Excuses become very convenient in which to impose on him a lack of need for prayer. A prayer requires much concentration, and after a long and arduous day, his will power will become lax and susceptible to your guidance. A sudden sapping of strength will make him long for sleep, not concentration of prayer to the unseen God. Over-sleeping also becomes opportune for leaving your patient with no time left for preparation of the day. The snooze-button is a wonderful invention to which those mortals are addicted. After half a dozen or so times of ramming this switch, time will have escaped and watch as he dashes madly out of the front door in great haste.

Dissatisfaction is a common feeling during these days. This can also permeate into his prayers. The Enemy answers prayers on His own terms, not on those of the humans. This can be used to our advantage. Human beings quickly become anxious when they do not receive an immediate reply and assume that there is no one listening to them any longer. It is at these moments that you can steep his mind with doubts and little desire to continue in such fruitless exercises.

The law of undulation is always a key aspect of their lives. Dissatisfaction is a low for your patient, but he can also have his moments of strength. While he is coasting through the good stages, inflict in him a feeling that he is self-sufficient and self-dependant. He will relinquish all reliance on the Enemy and lean on his own devices. This is what you want him to achieve.

Modern technology can keep him away from his religious observance. The television is quick and direct, dulling his mind and focusing his senses on that one flickering screen. The internet also squanders much of his time on idle and highly addictive things, such as the new phase of Facebook.

At all costs, keep that incompetent cretin too busy or otherwise occupied to open the Book of the Enemy’s people. Continue to strive for destruction. Do you remember Cacin? If you fail as well, you will be in line to tremble at the triple call of oyez,

your affectionate uncle,

Words to Live By

Scimus semper esurire pueros.

It would be nice ...

  • if we could stop thinking sometimes, and just let life carry us through
  • if we had more time to do all the things we wanted to do
  • if teachers wouldn't assign Screwtape letters during the last week of school
  • if homework came easily, without having to struggle through it all
  • if we could learn to just be content with our lives



Joseph showed so much compassion to his brothers while in Egypt, instead of completely getting back at them, like most of us would have done.

We definitely need to take an example from this.

The epitaph of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (horrible book, never read it) reads, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." All we are required to do is forgive. It seems to be such a little thing, and yet it is so big.


Formal Dinners

Yup, can't think of anything to say about the fruits of the spirit at the moment, in case you haven't noticed that I was working my way through them in a rather random order.

Sigh - the last Winter Banquet ever. What a scary thought. Makes me feel really old too. It was quite enjoyable, but I kept wondering what the waiters and waitresses were thinking: we're supposed to be a Christian school, and yet we hardly showed it through the entire evening besides a brief prayer and two line bible passage at the beginning and a joke of a prayer at the end.



I read yesterday about Noah, and God's promise of the rainbow. He made that one promise so many years ago, and he still fulfills it today.


A Slight Digression...


It is one of my dreams to own a grand piano. Someday, when I have lots of money. This store is probably one of my favourites ever. And yes, I am coveting at the moment.


Disruptive children seem to take away all gentle feelings towards them at that moment - it's such a clear reminder that we're all sinful, especially my inability to control my temper with them.

On a more postive note: thanks for the walk, Nadine. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and we really have to do that more often.



My waiting is at an end: my new bible finally arrived! Woot!



Today we celebrate my oma's 70th birthday. What an absolutely amazing blessing. I had the urge to read Psalm 47 today, so I read it on the way to school. God is so wonderfully amazing. "Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!" (vs 6) Even the author, or authors (sons of Korah), cannot keep God's majesty to themselves, they have to shout it out and proclaim it to the whole world. With my hour and a half bus ride each way, I have a lot of time to think. I have been so incredibly blessed throughout all my years. I am completely and totally surrounded by people who love and care for me, and it has always been that way. The people change, or move away, while others are added. For one example, my mom married my step-dad about five years ago. Since then, I have a dad, another opa and oma, and four new siblings, including the sister I had always longed for. Don't get me wrong, I get very and extremely annoyed with them (my siblings) most of the time, but every night before they go to bed, the three youngest give me a hug and say "I love you" (can't expect a 12 year old brother to say that).

But I should probably get back to my latin homework instead of procrastinating (pro meaning for and cras meaning tomorrow, so put off for tomorrow - aren't words great?).



If you say, "The Lord is my refuge," and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will ift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpant.

Psalm 91: 9-13

All we have to do is acknowledge God as our only Saviour and He will protect us from evils. How's that for a security blanket?


Why is it that we always feel so awkward saying "I love you" to the ones we care about, friends and parents and siblings especially, but we tell them of our dislike for them so easily?



Where would we be without friends to help us and guide us when we feel confused or just need a shoulder to lean on?

God definately knows all our needs.


Dream Car

Nadine and I have this whole t-shirt trip planned out, when we were going to drive across Canada after university and buy a garish touristy t-shirt in every major city. In order to make the drive, we are in need of one essential: a volkswagon van. Which I found on the internet. If only I didn't have to save up for university.


Enough said.


New Year's Weekend

A new year has begun, a new year with hope for the future and full of hope for the blessings and miracles of last year.

Since I went to Redeemer to visit, Be Unto Your Name has been able to make me cry everytime it is sung in a group.

We are a moment, You are forever
Lord of the Ages, God before time
We are a vapor, You are eternal
Love everlasting, reigning on high

Chorus: Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your name, be unto Your name

We are the broken, You are the healer
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
You are the love song we'll sing forever
Bowing before You, blessing Your name

Thank you, Jesus for the hope which you have given us. And thanks be to the Healer for the life He has given both us and to our loved ones.