
today's local weather

It's raining today, in case you haven't noticed. I like rain. Our pants are now thoroughly drenched ... a rather uncomfortable feeling, but one that can be dealt with. Thankfully the bed-head look is in right now - the baseball cap didn't do too much.


the pros outweigh the cons

Baking leads to a large mess, especially when dealing with rotting carrots. (Don't worry, they were clean and mould-free before they went into the cake.) But the smell that wafts through the house, along with the licking of the bowls, spatula and beaters, makes it all worthwhile.


the truth in 'the wizard of oz'

Truly, there is no place like home. I love being here.

We decorated gingerbread men this morning, and made a snowman this afternoon. The snow, however, is not entirely condusive to making snowmen. A lot of packing was required.

The piano has been tuned, so playing again after almost a week and a half has been absolutely lovely.

And the bookshelves are up! Staining is scheduled for this week - putting all the books up is next week's job.

Did I mention that I love the holidays?



Why is it that the best conversations always come really late at night when you should be doing homework, studying, or sleeping? Best meaning the the more in-depth conversations or the ones that make you laugh the most.


the calm before the storm

So. After an extended period of time, it is finally here. My car. The freedom, the joy, and both my parents have driven it more than I have in the past couple of days. It's a good thing gas is cheap right now.

Yesterday it was my grandparents' 45th anniversary. Geertsema, that is. It's really incredible. Suddenly I feel young again. It was a year ago today that my oma came home from the hospital. God is great. Words fail me.

Norah and I were listening to celtic music on Saturday, which led to the You-Tube-ing of "River Dance". I love dancing. I wish I could take lessons again and do something fun with a partner, but guys are too chicken to do something like that. And I think I'm starting to lose the music in my feet.



"Even dying trees grow greener when you pray."

My only regret is that I couldn't see Mike Janzen's fingers fly across the keyboard.


lack of motherly instincts

Much remains unaccomplished while one stays at home. It is not the silence that is deafening, rather the lack of silence that dizzies one's head. However, now that the kids are somewhat taken care of and hopefully not freezing as the wander outside, Christmas music played by Andre Rieu is now filling the house, slowly removing frustrations. It doesn't help the motivation level, nor do cold toes. The latter one is my own fault for not going upstairs and retrieving some. If the fireplace was installed, my toes would warm, even though it is bad manners to have one's feet on the table. Books are strewn across the coffeetable, so there isn't much room left for anything else, which hardly makes impoliteness excusable.

English ghosts haunt me, I can think of one or two ...


warnings from those who major in english

"This is what happens when you leave your computer unguarded at Redeemer. Thankfully, nobody steals it. However, it is open to friends sitting down and writing things on it.

The danger of leaving your laptop
Comes from a friend’s whimsy stop
Who to accuse?
Sadly, my Muse
Deserts me at th’approach of a cop."



Shopping is a useless, irritating, headache-lending, thoroughly expasperating, horrendous excursion. I've run out of descriptions.


morning run

I met a cross guard today.
He was there when I went to a public kindergarten in Ancaster.
He still remembered me.

That was a long time ago.
Aproximately 15 years ago.

Enough lines?


Plans for the Future

  • study in Oxford as an exchange program
  • go to a play at the reconstruction of the Globe theatre


East or West ...

I went home after two weeks. I missed it incredibly much. It was extremely nice to get a big homecoming from the kids.



life costs too much money.

edit: education costs too much money.


God is Great

I saw my friends today. I can't believe how much I've missed them all. Even while walking this morning around 7, much earlier than when I would see anyone, I had a huge smile on my face.

Deep conversations about the characteristics of numbers if they were human are indeed quite stimulating.

I love the school.
I love my friends and family.
I love God.


August 30

Work is finished. This summer has absolutely flown by.

But yeah, yesterday was a good work day. Most enjoyable. I'm surprised I'm actually looking forward to working next year. Four months - yikes.



High Park, A Midsummer's Night Dream, 8 p.m., Friday, August 29.

any takers?


craziness keeps you young

There was a park with sprinklers near where we worked today. As we finished at just a little after one, we decided to cool off during our lunch at the sprinkler park. What a good way to end the week.


expenses, con't

Nope, no blue - sorry, Joel.

Laptops are insanely expensive. You have the basic laptop (which only came in black ... :S), then you have to buy the Microsoft Programs (add $100), antivirus program (which I got for free), 3 year warantee, mouse, and a bag - plus taxes.

In conlusion, I'm going to be very poor by the end of the summer.



Jamie and Mia

Jamie's better at holding a pose than I am.

oma and I - what a blessing



get blue and add $20 or not to?

Camping was amazing. First time the entire Geertsema family has been together, all 31 of us. What an incredible blessing. Pictures to come.


I like making bets.
And you'd better believe I'm going to win, Catherine.



I like poetry. I like memorizing it. Still planning to memorize all of Tennyson's Lady of Shalott.

Thanks again, Joel. Thoroughly enjoyed your limmericks.


I got caught in the rain yesterday while doing groceries and really did look like a drowned rat. No more Redwall look-alike. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, despite the impediment of sight. I think I sang really loud the entire way home with the radio. The jeep probably did something to improve my mood as well.

My room is still a disaster. Should have cleaned that yesterday. Yes, the impression of being completely organized is simply a facade. Books and papers litter my floor, laundry (clean) remains in the laundry basket, a bed once nicely made is rumpled from sleeping with restless siblings, etc.

On a more positive note which I forgot to mention a couple of weeks ago, my science is finished. Freedom for the summer, despite the pending test which I will most likely not study for. :D


Raining cats and dogs

Although, we more ended up looking like drowned rats. I, on the other hand, apparently looked like a mouse from the Redwall t.v. series because I was wearing my brother's jacket which had a hood on it.

Is this a good thing?


effects of work

I met two guys today. Their names were Frank and Joe. They were even taller than me. I liked Frank better, because he had a nicer character and wasn't so prickly.


my god ended up in the scrap yard and I ended up in the hospital

Quote from this afternoon's worship service by Rev. A. MacLeod. He's Scottish, which is why I liked him in the first place, but his sermons are so very applicable.

He was speaking about Gideon, how he had to remove the idol from his life before he could build an alter for the LORD and worship Him. How many idols do we have? And where are we going to put God?

Further notes:
  • post 100!
  • white chocolate is good only in small quantities, especially with chocolate cake
  • week three of work begins tomorrow
  • Didi might have sprained his ankle - hopefully it's nothing too serious
  • God still works miracles today. It's amazing that my oma is still here today
  • Geertsema reunion in a few weeks!
  • in a few weeks, I'm only going to have two years left to act like a child. Then I have to pretend to be somewhat mature and act like an adult
  • I need a guitar pick and a highlighter for my bible


puddle jumping

I love rain.

The kids and I went for a walk around 8:00 last week while it was raining. At the church on our road was a rather large puddle, quite large, actually.

I got soaked.


the wheels go 'round until they hit the curb

No, I am not speaking of my driving ability. Today, I got reacquainted with the wheelbarrow. Allow me to elaborate. A wheelbarrow, full of mulch (which is quite heavy), must be hoisted up a curb (which is not all that small), and then pushed to various places and emptied accordingly. The worst was pushing it through some trees, shrubs actually, with low-hanging branches which caught on your shirt and threatened to tear it apart.

Much better than weeding though - my finger will not be the same for the entire summer.


end of a chapter

My high school career is over.

On to bigger and better things, though I shall sorely miss the camaraderie there and the close-knit friendships made.


application of data management

Visit to Redeemer for the nth time today.

Nice place, but I'd prefer to be at Canada's Wonderland at the moment.



highlights of the Québec trip
more to come, perhaps, if Nadine ever decides to give me those photos


fadjsd ija sla;jf sdjif

i abhor school

hence the rebellion with the lack of punctuation

Romeo and Juliet

Awkward. Very awkward. But Romeo was hidden well in the bushes.

Shakespeare, though a genius, is disgusting. As is the modern interpretation. I am very glad that I did not live during the Elizabethan (as I believe it was) Era - clothes were definately too tight or too low. I suffer from hyper-sensitivity.

The death scenes were good. No, I'm not morbid, but often death scenes are extremely cheesy and fake. This was not.

Watch out for the slippery floor.



In honour of the upcoming trip on Wednesday:

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

"In the bushes - my ladder broke."

Thanks, dad. The play will never have its full impact.


Are you Jealous?

Jealous for the LORD? Do you love Him so much that you cannot bear to hear His Name taken in vain.

I fall so short.

Why is it so hard to tell people not to swear? Especically when the 'f' word comes out every other sentance, they don't seem to care at all.

We are CHRISTians - shouldn't that be evident in the way we act and stand up for His glory and honour?


"You may need to call me again."

Why must the movies always differ so much from the book, which is good and complete in its entirety. Yet the movie must always rearrange the plot, add an element of romance in "order to keep things interesting", and add elements that were never seen in the book.

Enough bashing.

Prince Caspian is good, but wait for the DVD release, unless you like big picture and big sound, which completely draws you in and makes you oblivious to the people around you. As does a good book.

Catherine, I'm sorry, but I still cannot concur with you that Ben Barnes (who plays Prince Caspian, for all those who are not movie buffs) is good looking, but he is a good actor. Which is more important in the long run.


Bottle = Guilt

Never throw a water bottle in irritation. The ramifications of such an action can be quite dreadful, and leave you with a guilt-stricken conscience for a long time afterwards.


Blessed are Those

I apologize for any lacking in sense in the following sentences.

I felt once again the incredible support of the communion of saints.

To make the day even more special, people who I didn't not expect to see showed up. Thank you, Katie. Your family has always been there for the stepping stones in my life.

For the first time since her hospitalization, my oma attended church, in our church building. What an amazing blessing.

Thank you, LORD, for calling me to be your child and showering upon us Your great mercies, which are renewed every morning.


400 ans

This year’s annual trip to Québec was made extra special by being able to stay an additional two days and that this year Québec celebrates its 400th anniversary. It was founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, a date that was often repeated. We were kept busy throughout the days by multiple tours and other such activities and a lot of walking. We were given a tour of old Quebec, as well as one of the National Assembly and the Citadel. A visit was also made to the Montmorency Falls. Standing at 84 metres tall, 30 metres higher than Niagara Falls, they are a sure display of God’s power over creation. They were absolutely incredible. A few of us wanted to climb down the stairs, but unfortunately they were boarded off. We had something with stairs on the trip, wanting to climb/run up them all the time. Especially spiral staircases.

Sunday was spent at l’église Réformée St-Marc, our sister church in Ste-Foy. Though small, the congregation welcomed us with open arms, enveloping us in the communion of saints. The worship service is so different compared to what we are accustomed to, but as we concluded in our evening devotions, it is not how you organize the liturgy but whom you worship that should be the focus. I was reminded yet again of our trip the the DR - the church is definately universal, and the communion of saints everywhere. I am so blessed to have such an experience, especially in the deepening relationships with those on the trip (despite conflicts and split lips) and our Heavenly Father who reigns on high.


On this day

Today we celebrate the 444th birthday of William Shakespeare, if he were still around. Despite this rather dismal fact, today is a noteworthy date and should immediately be placed upon a calendar.


The Ghosts that Haunt Me

Despite that being a song by the Crash Test Dummies, it has been made known to me that I cannot avoid Phys. Ed. forever. Why? Two years were torturous, when it is forced upon you. Now I must suffer through another half course.

Now that I am through with complaining ...

Selecting courses is extremely difficult. There are so many to choose, and so little space. Art would be lovely, music nice (provided I learn how to play an instrument again), but don't get me started on English. September seems so far away, and yet way to close.

We had Bible Study outside today. I almost got burned, as I did on Sunday on account of reading on the front porch for multiple hours.




Tooting your own Horn

If there's anything I truly detest, it is writing resumés and letters for awards stating why you are so good and why you deserve the job/money so much. Arg. Maybe it's just me, but I find it easier to find those amiable qualities in others easier to find than in myself.



I got reacquainted with my piano this weekend. Well, not mine per se, my piano is rather out of tune and has been so for the past 10 years at least. We have not had the time for a tuner to come in yet. Various treks have not helped the situation much. The other piano is rather used too, with pen marks and food marks on the keys (not me, I promise). It's such a beautiful instrument. Someday, when I live in my little house on the east coast, I'm going to have a grand piano in a room dedicated to instruments and music.

I plan to be very poor.


Cause for Celebration

My application is finally in! I like to do things by the skin of my teeth, in case you haven't noticed. I blame it on the influences from Flamborough. It's such a huge relief.

Last night we discussed the 7th commandment in YP. Rather scary, I know. But we had a really good discussion, divided up into boys and girls. And I found a fantastic text: 1 Corinthians 7: 34, 35. Our church society is so focused on the benefits of marriage while being single, yes it's a gift, but it's not expanded upon. I really like Paul. He goes on about how fantastic it is to be single and being married, yes it's a gift too (see verse 28). I have nothing against marriage, but I think we need a broader (or is it more broad? Some times I think too much about the English language and confuse myself) picture of life.

Another favourite text - 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you." How much clearer does God have to make it that we cannot rely upon our own devices and that He is always right beside us, willing to carry us over the rough terrain and holding our hand through the troubled times and picking us up when we fall. If I got a tattoo, I would have it read 1 Peter 5:7. I have a tendency to forget it.

I was reading an article in Classics today and came upon the word recalcitrant. I love that word, though my English teacher didn't seem to appreciate my use of it in a Screwtape letter, see an age old post. Thanks for the introduction to it, Joel.

Another thing I like: checkerboard ice cream. Confession: I'm an ice cream addict. While I'm on the topic of confessions: I hate the phone. Which is why I have to call about twenty people about pizza orders in order to go to Québec. Arg. The sacrifices we make in life ...

I hope you all have a fantastic evening with the peace that God's Spirit works in you, the same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead!


Inconveniences of Modern Technology

The good news: I finished my application to Redeemer (three cheers! pat on the back! hip hip hooray! etc). The bad news: I can't send it, due to some error with the internet. It won't allow me to add another course either.



Art's Alive! (or is it?)

Playing flute is definitely an acquired talent. I have not played mine in at least half a year, causing my fingers to stumble over the keys. Typing ... now there is a daily exercise at which I am becoming more adept. My friends and I were practising for an audition to play for the upcoming Art's Alive on April 24 (why a Thursday and not a Saturday?). I am beginning to despise the Untitled Hymn by Chris Rice. And now I am rambling and should be studying ... who doesn't love procrastination?

I can't believe our school year is almost finished. And then ... no more Guido. Quite sad, really. Not that I'm not looking forward to Redeemer (which is another one of these things I have to do, the application, that is), but often the goodbye you say to your friends is for a long time.

New prayer concerns:
  • my cousin apparently got a concussion while playing football, and can't remember it, but seems to be fine
  • the Post/Joosse family, whose grandfather passed away this morning. I talked with Mike this morning, and he had said his grandfather had only wanted to see Jesus, which is a really amazing and comforting thing!


Insult of the Day

"You are a grotesque prestidigitation."
- Prof. Faber, gleaned from T. Hardy's Tess of the D'Ubervilles


I think, I do think, I am thinking

Don't get me wrong, I don't hold a grudge against our Canadian Reformed circles, but we have a tendancy to be stand-offish, and not truly welcoming. There are the certain few who have the talent of conversing easily with those they don't know, but the majority of us is scared to talk to someone. I know for myself that I am petrified of strangers. Give me my close circle of friends, and I'll be fine. But then we went to the DR. We were complete strangers, and yet we were welcomed in with open arms, no questions asked.

Matthew 25:34-40

"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' "


Even Paris and Rome ...

Through this past week in the Dominican I have learned of God's almighty power and how truly we are in His control. Even after all our planning, it is ultimately His decision. Forgotten bags (twice), bags that took a while getting off the plane, homesickness in some cases, frustrations, emotional rollar-coasters, etc ... He was always there. He has given us such a blessing in the people who we've met and the team members who I have gotten to know better for the most part.

more to come


Au revior!

So ... tonight, amidst my cramming session for my two tests demain, I am packing for the pending trip to the Dominican Republic. I could so easily do with another two weeks before we leave. But such is life. Maybe this is a good experience for me: that life does not have to be perfectly planned out when we set out to do something. Catherine, you will be so proud of me when you read this.

Please pray for all of us, us meaning the team, as we set out to do God's will, in whatever task He has appointed to us. Pray for our safety, and that we will come back feeling more fully the power of God's amazing love.



Four years ago, my hair was three feet long ... almost. Now I'm lucky if it's three inches. Where has it gone?


Decisions, Decisions

I recieved an acceptance letter from Brock tonight, including a scholarship. I have rather mixed feelings about this. It's exciting and all, but I've truly got my heart set on going to Redeemer, seeing as I'm made of money and all. I feel honoured to have gotten in, but ... I don't know. My emotions all are hay-wire right now.



To my faithful readers: could you please pray for me during this next week? It looks to be a long and stressful one.


To be a Hairstylist, or not to be ...

My mom bought a haircutting kit at Costco this afternoon, with the hope that I would be able to cut the boys' hair from now on. Taking them to a barber shop is nothing short of disasterous, but then again ... so might it being done at home.

The kit contained a DVD, hence the DVD player on the counter. I was being taught whilest I cut.

Didi, guinea pig number one.

after. For clarification: that is a smile, not a grimace.

guinea pig number two

and after

Wearing a hat simply accentuates the crooked bangs. Note the chocolate smears on his face ... he was treated to "i -HEam" for sitting fairly quietly.

Haircut kit - $40
High chair (posing as barber stool) $10

Kids' expressions - priceless


My Favourite Quotes

I am aiming to eliminate my Facebook account in the near future, because I hold it in utter contempt. (Although, I do like knowing when people's birthdays are.)

So, as a tribute, in order preserve part of the legacy, here is my list of quotes.

"Oh can you?" (Amber - you are now officially credited)

"We're flowers" (Nadine - the teachers still think you're odd)

"Is that a free boy?" (Amber again - we have a tendency to get a few quotes from you)

"Be she Canadian Reformed?" (Janelle, as Marilla)

"Marilla thinks the fun would be too much for me." (Matthew Cuthbert)

"You have all the opportunities." (anonymous source)

"Opportunity knocks." "Did you open the door?" (N+M)

"Mostly definitely."

"J'ai un fouton sur ma tete." (Nadine's french journal)

"I have a thinking idea." (another Nadinerism - I am definately the originator of that word)

"From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdane for the feelings of others made me realize that you are the last man on earth I could ever be prevailed upon to marry." (Lizzie Bennet, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

"First, I must tell you that I've been the most unmittigated and comprehensive ass." (Mr. Bingley, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

"And then I freaked out..." (Catherine ... couldn't leave you out of it)

"This isn't very sustainable." (Kathryn Boeringa on the subject of renting limos)

"I round up." (Andrew Hutchinson)

"Feel free to write the worst junk in the world." (WC - the initials may or may not be referring to the water closet)

"Can you wake me up in time for cookies?" (Norah, during the Talent Evening at church)


To Gus:

You've been my leaning post to support me in troubled times.
You are a shoulder to cry on when life is closing in on me,
My listening ear when I have to rant about stupid things.

You've been a constant companion.
You are a close confidante in all sorts of matters,
My copine.

Thank you for contraining yourself with the teasing, for crying for me and with me. Thank you for helping me find my inner insanity and those other amiable qualities which have been adopted by me due to close contact with certain people from a certain area (yes, Catherine, that means you too). Thank you for being a friend.

I pray that God will continue to keep us together, especially when we go our seperate ways after graduation. As it says in the song by M.W. Smith,
Friends are friends forever, if the LORD's the LORD of them.

P.S. For all those who don't know, Gus = my dear Nadine Jacqueline.



Words of wisdom for today:

Tin friends are better - they last longer.



With my determination not to think about truly stressful things this weekend (which I forgot about last night) I have shed the old coat and started afresh, hopefully with some new inspirations for some brilliant piece of writing.

However, you have to feel free to write the worst junk in the world. - Words of wisdom from the WC. (I shall leave the defination of the initials up to the individual.)

Nous "sommes" fini

No, my french is not that horrible. Hence the quotation marks.

The fundraising/stress/nagging people is finally finished for the Dominican Rebpublic trip. Well, at least for the weekend. I have promised myself that I was not going to worry about it all weekend, and this is my final outpouring of the remainders of that stress. Tuesday will be a different story: I will be back to my high strung self, trying to finalize the plans and wonder how in the world we are going to get 12 people at the Buffalo airport by 4 am.

Once again, Matthew 6:34. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Superfluous Events

Valentine's Day - pink, and hearts ... what could be worse?

Thanks for your treasured, lacy, and heart-shaped doily (it really does look like one), Nadine! Way to avoid the traditional giving of hearts to the (cough) "gentlemen".



We cannot do everything on our own. This too, I find very hard to remember sometimes. But it is so comforting when people just take the time to sit and talk with you, understanding that you need someone to draw you out of yourself and dwell on other things instead of what's crowding up your mind. Thank you.


Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Why is it so hard to remember this? I keep "freaking out" (pardon the phrase) over our pending trip to the Dominican Republic, and it's not for a whole month yet. And why can you never count on people to have things in on time? Why do I volunteer to organize such things?

I ask myself this as I start planning for a big shin-dig in the summer.



Walking in a Winter Wonderland

I like to brag about the photographic talents of my dear mother. Allow me to demonstrate:

our lovely home. Yes, I am aware that there is a window boarded up: it's being repaired, so that the attic can be transformed into my parent's new spacious bedroom.

trees - what else is there to say?

snow caps. so amazing!

Norah Lynn - we're "favourite sisters".

Marten wasn't very impressed to be shoved outside this morning, even less when my mom left to take Didi to the doctor's and he was left behind, even though his coat and hat and mittens matched with the rear lights on the van.

Didi (Thomas) - aspiring boxer. Extremely strong with a temper to boot - but makes up for it by giving lots of hugs.

snail mail's the greatest


Ma copine

Thanks for the memories, Latin buddy/additional adjectives! Seeing as this is my one and only picture from our final winter banquet - thanks for playing photographer, Nadine!

Life's Memories

I like collecting things from and of people, of places I've been, things I've done. Thanks goes to Ben for his artistic contribution - yes, I actually kept it. Included also is THE list - 71 down! And being egocentric, a picture of myself which I still have to hand into the yearbook committee, whoops. Ahhh, the good ole days when I was blonde...



Six months to my birthday ... No, I am not a birthday fanatic, I actually despise my birthday, but I like counting down to it. The importance of the six months means that Nadine and I have less than six months to plan a big, huge, insert additional adjectives which I don't feel like thinking of right now, large scale birthday party in order to celebrate our 18th birthdays. We are only a week apart, which is pretty cool. And we take a long time to organize things - hence our need to start planning now.



The Lord's Prayer is so beautiful. It so often gets rattled off before or after a meal, but it sums up all that we need to pray for.

Our Father, who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is done in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever.



I know I've mentioned this, but sometimes we need a big jolt to make us aware once again of how precious life is. With Shawna Bethelehem in the hospital ( http://shawnabethlehem.blogspot.com/ ) and the passing away of Catherine's grandpa ( http://summerskiing.blogspot.com/ ) - life is such a gift.

And then we have the comfort of John 11: 24-26.

Martha answered, "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."


Small Chunks vs Big Chunks

To go for the colloquialism: I've bitten off more than I can chew. I think I might have to pull a Hermione and do five courses this semester. Well, I will either way, but actually do them in school by alternating courses every other day. Stupid science. What a waste of brain space.



"Timeo Danaos et dona ferrentes." Not that that has anything to do with renovations, but I remember things better once they're typed out.

We got a dishwasher today. So sweet! And it's as quiet as a mouse ... almost. I had to visit Home Depot too with a friend in order to pick up some extra stuff for the dishwasher - don't ask me what they were because I have no idea. I just stood there pretending to know what I was looking at.

And I think the drywalling is finished/almost finished in the attic. Which means: PAINTING!!! And when my parents finally move up there - I get to paint Norah's room. Purple. Woot!

I really don't understand the meaning of woot. Why is it said anyways? Or is it just another of these Nadinerisms?



Parents are great - such an amazing blessing. My mom just sacrificed her afternoon so that I could go hang out with friends. I love you, mom.


Sigh of Contentment

Stress free extended weekend. Besides the fact that I have to play chauffeur tomorrow. Cough.


Hooray for Kids?

Why is it that when you're so stressed and ready to freak out at the world (yes, Catherine, I have been hanging around with you a lot) then something really stupid happens and it's the funniest thing that happened all day?



I like orange juice. Freshly squeezed. But not from clementines by little sisters with dirty hands.


Winding Down

Gotta love how so many people are posting how they should start studying, or are in the midst of studying, and really don't feel like studying at this time of year. I hate to be a conformist, but I agree entirely with them.



I bought new shoes a couple days ago because they were on sale. They're so wonderfully not traditionally me.



I now thoroughly detest Anna Karenina with all my being.


Modernized C.S. Lewis

My dear Wormwood,

It gives me great pleasure that you are finally taking my advice regarding your patient and his personal devotions. Your last letter implored me to go into more explicit detail, and I shall comply.

Reinforce in him that prayer is simply an additional and unfortunately necessary part of the Christian lifestyle (a direct attack will only result in him clinging closer to the Enemy), and that his prayers must be lengthy and stirring. He will end up babbling like those old hypocritical amphibians, praying to be seen by those creatures rather than heard by the Enemy. Their long and eloquent prayers are indeed most impressive.

While he is composing his ritual, allow his mind to wander to his kith and kin and other trivial matters of the day. Once his thoughts are no longer focused, they become recalcitrant for him and compliant for you. Thoughts have no limitations, and he can reflect on all sorts of aspects of the past day, past week, or even the past month. His mind may even remain completely blank for long periods of time. These are the opportune moments in which to suffuse his mind with haphazard reflections.

Excuses become very convenient in which to impose on him a lack of need for prayer. A prayer requires much concentration, and after a long and arduous day, his will power will become lax and susceptible to your guidance. A sudden sapping of strength will make him long for sleep, not concentration of prayer to the unseen God. Over-sleeping also becomes opportune for leaving your patient with no time left for preparation of the day. The snooze-button is a wonderful invention to which those mortals are addicted. After half a dozen or so times of ramming this switch, time will have escaped and watch as he dashes madly out of the front door in great haste.

Dissatisfaction is a common feeling during these days. This can also permeate into his prayers. The Enemy answers prayers on His own terms, not on those of the humans. This can be used to our advantage. Human beings quickly become anxious when they do not receive an immediate reply and assume that there is no one listening to them any longer. It is at these moments that you can steep his mind with doubts and little desire to continue in such fruitless exercises.

The law of undulation is always a key aspect of their lives. Dissatisfaction is a low for your patient, but he can also have his moments of strength. While he is coasting through the good stages, inflict in him a feeling that he is self-sufficient and self-dependant. He will relinquish all reliance on the Enemy and lean on his own devices. This is what you want him to achieve.

Modern technology can keep him away from his religious observance. The television is quick and direct, dulling his mind and focusing his senses on that one flickering screen. The internet also squanders much of his time on idle and highly addictive things, such as the new phase of Facebook.

At all costs, keep that incompetent cretin too busy or otherwise occupied to open the Book of the Enemy’s people. Continue to strive for destruction. Do you remember Cacin? If you fail as well, you will be in line to tremble at the triple call of oyez,

your affectionate uncle,

Words to Live By

Scimus semper esurire pueros.

It would be nice ...

  • if we could stop thinking sometimes, and just let life carry us through
  • if we had more time to do all the things we wanted to do
  • if teachers wouldn't assign Screwtape letters during the last week of school
  • if homework came easily, without having to struggle through it all
  • if we could learn to just be content with our lives



Joseph showed so much compassion to his brothers while in Egypt, instead of completely getting back at them, like most of us would have done.

We definitely need to take an example from this.

The epitaph of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (horrible book, never read it) reads, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." All we are required to do is forgive. It seems to be such a little thing, and yet it is so big.


Formal Dinners

Yup, can't think of anything to say about the fruits of the spirit at the moment, in case you haven't noticed that I was working my way through them in a rather random order.

Sigh - the last Winter Banquet ever. What a scary thought. Makes me feel really old too. It was quite enjoyable, but I kept wondering what the waiters and waitresses were thinking: we're supposed to be a Christian school, and yet we hardly showed it through the entire evening besides a brief prayer and two line bible passage at the beginning and a joke of a prayer at the end.



I read yesterday about Noah, and God's promise of the rainbow. He made that one promise so many years ago, and he still fulfills it today.


A Slight Digression...


It is one of my dreams to own a grand piano. Someday, when I have lots of money. This store is probably one of my favourites ever. And yes, I am coveting at the moment.


Disruptive children seem to take away all gentle feelings towards them at that moment - it's such a clear reminder that we're all sinful, especially my inability to control my temper with them.

On a more postive note: thanks for the walk, Nadine. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and we really have to do that more often.



My waiting is at an end: my new bible finally arrived! Woot!



Today we celebrate my oma's 70th birthday. What an absolutely amazing blessing. I had the urge to read Psalm 47 today, so I read it on the way to school. God is so wonderfully amazing. "Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!" (vs 6) Even the author, or authors (sons of Korah), cannot keep God's majesty to themselves, they have to shout it out and proclaim it to the whole world. With my hour and a half bus ride each way, I have a lot of time to think. I have been so incredibly blessed throughout all my years. I am completely and totally surrounded by people who love and care for me, and it has always been that way. The people change, or move away, while others are added. For one example, my mom married my step-dad about five years ago. Since then, I have a dad, another opa and oma, and four new siblings, including the sister I had always longed for. Don't get me wrong, I get very and extremely annoyed with them (my siblings) most of the time, but every night before they go to bed, the three youngest give me a hug and say "I love you" (can't expect a 12 year old brother to say that).

But I should probably get back to my latin homework instead of procrastinating (pro meaning for and cras meaning tomorrow, so put off for tomorrow - aren't words great?).



If you say, "The Lord is my refuge," and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will ift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpant.

Psalm 91: 9-13

All we have to do is acknowledge God as our only Saviour and He will protect us from evils. How's that for a security blanket?


Why is it that we always feel so awkward saying "I love you" to the ones we care about, friends and parents and siblings especially, but we tell them of our dislike for them so easily?



Where would we be without friends to help us and guide us when we feel confused or just need a shoulder to lean on?

God definately knows all our needs.


Dream Car

Nadine and I have this whole t-shirt trip planned out, when we were going to drive across Canada after university and buy a garish touristy t-shirt in every major city. In order to make the drive, we are in need of one essential: a volkswagon van. Which I found on the internet. If only I didn't have to save up for university.


Enough said.


New Year's Weekend

A new year has begun, a new year with hope for the future and full of hope for the blessings and miracles of last year.

Since I went to Redeemer to visit, Be Unto Your Name has been able to make me cry everytime it is sung in a group.

We are a moment, You are forever
Lord of the Ages, God before time
We are a vapor, You are eternal
Love everlasting, reigning on high

Chorus: Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your name, be unto Your name

We are the broken, You are the healer
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
You are the love song we'll sing forever
Bowing before You, blessing Your name

Thank you, Jesus for the hope which you have given us. And thanks be to the Healer for the life He has given both us and to our loved ones.